SMTP Error 422:

What does it mean? And How to resolve this error.

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Error Description

SMTP error 422 is a permanent or "5xx" error code returned by a mail server to indicate that it has rejected an email message because the recipient's mailbox or account is over quota or has exceeded its storage limits. This error signifies that the recipient's mailbox cannot accept new messages until the storage issue is resolved.

What's Causing This Error?

SMTP error 422 can be caused by various temporary issues, including::

  • Server congestion: The mail server is currently handling a high volume of incoming email traffic, leading to delays in processing new messages.
  • Greylisting: Some mail servers use greylisting as a spam-fighting technique. When an unknown sender attempts to send an email, the receiving server may initially reject it with a 420 error. If it's a legitimate sender, the sending server will retry the delivery after a delay, and the email will be accepted.
  • Temporary server issues: Server hardware or software issues, network problems, or other transient issues can lead to SMTP error 420.

How to fix SMTP Error 422?

  • Contact the recipient: If you encounter SMTP error 422 when trying to send an email to a specific recipient, the best course of action is to contact the recipient via an alternative method (e.g., phone) and inform them of the storage issue. They will need to take steps to free up space in their mailbox.
  • Archive or delete emails: The recipient can archive or delete old emails, especially large attachments or unnecessary messages, to free up storage space.
  • Increase mailbox storage: The recipient may need to contact their email provider or administrator to request an increase in mailbox storage capacity if they consistently encounter storage issues.
  • Empty the trash or deleted items folder: Sometimes, emails that are deleted are moved to a "trash" or "deleted items" folder and continue to consume storage space. The recipient should empty these folders to free up space.

SMTP Error 422 Examples

Example 1: "422 4.2.2 Mailbox over quota. Unable to accept new messages until space is freed up."

Example 2: "422 5.7.0 Mailbox storage limit exceeded. Archive or delete old emails to resolve."

Example 3: "422 5.2.3 Recipient's mailbox is full. Contact recipient to clear space for new emails."