Fyno meta partner

Fastest way to activate
WhatsApp for your business

Fyno is Meta’s official Tech Partner, enabling us to provide the simplest and fastest onboarding experience to activate WhatsApp for your business. Create and manage WhatsApp templates in real-time with an easy to use editor.

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Check our key benefits.

onboarding icon

Streamlined onboarding flow

You can use Fyno's embedded signup flow to create new business accounts or connect existing Meta Business accounts in seconds.

Template management
Template Management

All your Meta templates can be managed seamlessly in Fyno

Easily create and update your WhatsApp templates directly in Fyno's intuitive interface. No need to switch between platforms. No more tedious copy-pasting or data migration headaches.

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Black Arrow
Template management UI
Approval Tracking

All your Meta templates approval can be tracked real-time

Get instant updates on your WhatsApp template approvals within Fyno.

approval flow UIApproval visual

Manage your billing relationship with Meta directly

Work directly with meta to get the best pricing & without any middlemen.

Meta billing UI
B2B Businesses

Add a WhatsApp offering in your existing business

B2B businesses can leverage Fyno’s infrastructure to create and manage WhatsApp accounts for their clients and brands. All this with no extra engineering.

Unlock multi-channel integration with Fyno

Meta Tech Partnership is just icing on the cake. If you have Fyno, you can integrate with 8 channels and 50+ providers without any additional engineering efforts.

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WhatsApp flows button