SMTP Error 441:

What does it mean? And How to resolve this error.

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Error Description

SMTP error 441 is a permanent or "5xx" error code returned by a mail server to indicate that it has rejected an email message because the recipient's mailbox or email account does not exist or is no longer active. This error signifies that the recipient's email address is invalid and the message cannot be delivered.

What's Causing This Error?

SMTP error 441 can be caused by various temporary issues, including::

  • Non-existent recipient: The recipient's email address provided in the "RCPT TO" command or the "To:" field of the email message does not correspond to a valid email account or mailbox.
  • Invalid recipient domain: The recipient's email domain (e.g., does not exist or has been retired.
  • Deactivated or expired account: The recipient's email account may have been deactivated, suspended, or expired, rendering it unavailable for receiving emails.

How to fix SMTP Error 441?

  • Verify recipient's email address: Ensure that the recipient's email address is spelled correctly, is complete, and corresponds to a valid email account or mailbox.
  • Check recipient domain: Confirm that the recipient's email domain is functioning correctly, does not have DNS (Domain Name System) issues, and is not retired or expired.
  • Contact the recipient: If you consistently encounter SMTP error 441 when sending emails to a specific recipient, it's advisable to contact the recipient through an alternative method (e.g., phone) and verify the status of their email account. They may need to resolve account-related issues.

SMTP Error 441 Examples

Example 1: "441 5.1.1 Recipient address does not exist."

Example 2: "441 5.4.5 Domain name not found. Check recipient domain."

Example 3: "441 5.7.0 Recipient's email account is deactivated. Email delivery cannot be completed."